I remember doing street ministry a few years ago. I was with an organisation called Drug Arm in the city. We would set up a van and give coffee and doughnuts to drug addicts along with contact phone numbers for the local drug rehabilitation centres.

I remember one night a prostitute came up to me, she was on a coffee break. Her pimps were literally only 10 meters away. She said, "I know why the government workers are here, I know why the police are here, but why are you guys here?"

I replied, "Actually I don't like being here, it is dirty and smelly, but I am a Jesus freak and I am here." She turned and burst into tears, gave me a hug and told me her whole life story. At the end of her coffee break she even let us pray for her."

The people at Drug Arm show they belong to Jesus by serving others. In your office, in your work place, in your family you show you belong to Jesus by serving others.