Pastor Jack Graham tells of a speaking engagement in Philadelphia he made recently and slipping downtown to Independence Hall to reflect on the founding of our nation. He said, "As you move around the historical sites of that city you see the Word of God everywhere. It's etched on buildings and even on the Liberty Bell itself, which says, 'Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof' (Leviticus 25:10). Scriptures are forever written into the history, the heart, and fabric of America. You see, the early Americans were patriots, but they were also believers. Those who settled this nation came here to advance the Christian faith and to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. But we have to admit that America has strayed far from those years of patriotism and spiritual revolution. In fact, it's time for a spiritual revolution, a new American revolution that would help transform our culture and our country."

(From a sermon by David Cook, God Can Use You!, 7/3/2010)