Learning to Play One’s Instrument to God’s Glory
Does anyone here remember taking music class in grade school? When you first join a music class you are given an instrument to play. You really don’t have much of a choice in what you play. The instructor simply assigns you the instruments based on what the school has available and what he/she thinks each kid is most suited for. You take your new instrument home and start learning how to turn squeaks into notes. Then the time comes when you first come together as a band to play. The teacher raises the baton and motions for you to begin and it sounds like a train wreck. You play at different tempos. You play at different volumes. You didn’t watch the conductor and you didn’t listen to each other. You love to hear yourself play so the room is filled with soloists and the result is terrible.
However, over time you learn more and grow in experience. Eventually by the end of high school the band has come together. The instruments begin working together and building on one another and the result is beautiful music for everyone to enjoy.
God has given each person here today an instrument and He has given us as a church a song to play. Maybe you are still trying to figure out what that instrument is. Maybe you are learning how to play it. My prayer is that as each one of us learns that we would become an orchestra making beautiful music to be enjoyed by the community that God has placed us in and the world.
From a sermon by Stephen Sheane, Feeding 5000, 4/30/2010