Jeep Gets Stuck in the Sand
There are vast numbers of people - today - who are defeated in their lives! Their conqueror may be some wrong action or some mental evil such as fear or worry! I am convinced that nobody need be defeated by anything - Jesus, the Christ, is the answer!
The story is told of a lady who rented a jeep to do some heavy work. Having been told that a jeep could go anywhere, she drove down on the beach and got stuck in some soft sand. She raced the engine; but, instead of pulling out, the jeep just got stuck further in the sand! She walked to a nearby garage to get a wrecker to come and pull her out.
The garage man explained to her that she did not need a wrecker; but, he went with her to show her what to do. He pointed to a gearshift lever that she had not noticed and explained that the jeep had a pulling gear. He showed her how to operate the gear; and, the jeep pulled right out of the sand. He then commented, ’That lady thought she was stuck; but, she had more power than she realized - she just wasn’t using it!"
When Almighty God created us, He gave us a "pulling gear!" We frequently encounter difficulties in life which stop our progress and hold us back! We get stuck in situations or circumstances; but, within each and every one of us, there is a marvelous power that can keep us going - the Power of the Holy Spirit - if, we have accepted Jesus, the Christ, as our personal Lord and Savior; and, have asked the indwelling Holy Spirit to infill us and control our lives!
From a sermon by George Dillahunty, The Power To Live Victoriously!, 2/26/2010