When I was in seminary and I moved into the dormitory, I went to the largest church in Fort Worth at the time. I was looking for a church to join, because I believe it's important for Christians to be a part of a local church. I didn't like the idea of "shopping around" for a church, so I joined it.
Other than just saying, "Hello" to me, I don't remember anybody ever making an effort to talk to me. I don't think anybody ever came to see me. I went for about a month. Then my dorm mate told me about another church that was less than a fourth the size. So, I visited there. I think it was either that same Sunday or the Monday following that a couple of people from Sunday School came to visit me. They introduced themselves to me and invited me to the next fellowship. They had five singles classes, so I got to know some more of them. I went back. Eventually I wound up renting a house with two guys that were attending that church.
I felt loved. I felt like I belonged because people around my age and in a similar life situation reached out to me.