We Always Turn to Something

In Thessalonica, notice those who heard the gospel responded by 1Thes1:9 turning to God from idols to serve the true and living God.

In our 21st century western society there has been a huge paradigm shift, a turning away from Judea/Christian God centred worldview, to a new atheism which desires a complete secularisation of society with a non religious (irreligious) values and secular institutions.

But the very fact they are turning away from God doesn’t mean they are turning to something which is neutral. In fact, to turn away from God means you have to be turning to something else, which by default becomes our 21st century idols.

We see it with the rise of militant atheism–pseudo science. We see it with mass consumerism becoming an idol (credit crunch). The new liberalism sweeping our country becomes an idol, humanistic Christianity with our own personal fulfilment at the top of the agenda rather than the Glory of God, our own self-sufficiency and importance, our own personal vanities and obsessions all become idols and become the centre of our worship and take the place of God and rob us of genuine worship.

(Source: Aubrey Vaughan, Essential Worship)