What is the 3rd largest nation on the face of the earth?
1) China 1,335,200,000
2) India 1,175,410,000
3) The Nation of FACEBOOK.
If you put all the Facebookers together in one place, there would be over 350 Million people, all gathered somewhere in cyberspace. The United States of America has a population of only 308,340,000. In the Nation of FACEBOOK, we choose our own Facebook towns, some with populations of over 1000 (thanks for being my Facebook friend) and at least within our Facebook community, we are the mayor. We preside over our neighborhood of Facebook friends, some residing on the other side of the world while others are under our roof. We update our Facebook neighbors on our status and respond to their posts, like meeting at a global backyard fence.
Why? We have a need to belong, to connect, to fellowship, to support and be supported. It is as old as the Voice governing the Garden Who said,
"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
(Gen 2:18 NIV)