Developing a rhythm in your spiritual life means organizing your life around times of stopping to remember God. What is important is not the length of time but that you regularly stop to refocus on God. It could be five minutes or forty minutes. It could be your break time. Monks have develop a regular schedule where they stop and remember and pray. For example, at 3:45 am there are what is called Vigils. Lauds is at 6:00 am. Prime is 6:25 am or the "First" hour often being a worship service. Later the call to worship would sound at 12:15 pm and 2:00 pm. Then Vespers would occur at 5:40 pm and Compline at 7:40 pm which is before bed.

The exact times are not important or the number of times is not either. Although I would think that once or twice misses the point. When we moved to Erie, I really focused on adding an intentional noon time where I stop and focus. When I was a chaplain at Miami Valley Hospital, I would take a fifteen minute break around 3:30 to grab some frozen yogurt and refocus. Of course, I will admit that it is much easier to develop a rhythm when much of your vocation is centered around seek God's face.