Kentucky Thunderstorm Wipes Out Historic Family Pear Tree

John Claypool tells the story of a thunderstorm years ago that swept through Southern Kentucky at the farm where his ancestors had lived for 6 generations. There was an old pear tree that had been there for about as long as anyone could remember. His grandfather really hated to see the tree destroyed... he had climbed it as a young boy and had eaten the fruit it provided, most of his life.

A neighbor came by and said I’m really sorry to see that your pear tree blew down. He said yeah me too because it was really a part of my past. The neighbor said well what are you going to do? He paused for a moment and said well I’m going to pick the fruit and burn what’s left. That’s the best way I know to deal with many things in our past. Learn the lessons, enjoy the good and then move on to the future.

From a sermon by David Henderson, Extreme Makeover, 11/13/2009