Bride-to-Be Hosts a Banquet for Homeless
Philip Yancey told the story of the woman who was getting married and planned a huge wedding banquet. It was going to held at the Hyatt Hotel and cost $13,000. After everything had been planned and paid for the groom dumped her. When she tried to cancel she could not get her money back because the food had already been bought. She decided to go ahead with the party. Years before she had gone though a difficult time and had lived in a homeless shelter. Now she would invite the down and outs. For the dinner they served boneless chicken – in honor of the groom. Homeless people were served a fancy meal on fine china with the band playing. That is good picture of the church and the kingdom of God. A person who used their brokenness to bless.
When we accept and own our thorns we look at the world differently.
From a sermon by Stephen Sheane, God Uses Thorns, 11/10/2009