“El soldado y el sargento”
Un joven soldado y su sargento, viajaban en el tren juntos, y los unicos asientos disponibles estaban entre el medio de una Hermosa señorita que viajaba con su abuelita. EL SONIDO DE UN BESO- Y EL SONIDO DE UN CACHERADA. LA ABUELITA: La abuelita penso no puedo creer que se haya atrevido a darle un beso a mi nieta. Me alegra que le haya dado esa cachetada que se merecia. EL SARGENTO:El sargento penso; no culpo al muchacho por darle el beso a la señorita, pero si lamento que la muchacha haya fallado y me pegara a mi.
LA MUCHACHA:La muchacha dice; que bueno que me beso, pero que verguenza que mi abuelita le haya dado una cachetada por besarme. EL SOLDADO: Y cuando salieron del tunnel el muchacho traia una gran sonrisa, por fin habia
Sacado el maximo provecho de una oportunidad. Habia logrado besar a una hermosa señorita, y a la misma vez, vengarse de su sargento, dándole una cachetada. DIOS QUIER QUE LOGRES LA OPORTUNIDAD HOY...
"The Soldier and the Sergeant"
A young soldier and his sergeant, were on the train together, and the only seats available were in the midst of a beautiful young lady who was traveling with her grandmother. The train went through a tunnel, and suddenly there was the sound of a kiss, and the sound of a slap.
When they came out of the tunnel, each was thinking as follows:
GRANDMOTHER: I cannot believe he dared to kiss my granddaughter. I'm glad she slapped him; he deserved it!
THE SERGEANT: I don't blame the the kid for kissing her, but she made a mistake and slapped me instead of him!
THE GIRL: The kiss was great, but too bad my grandmother slapped him!
The soldier just sat there smiling, having made the most of an opportunity. He had figured out a way to both kiss a pretty girl and get revenge on his sergeant with a slap in the face!