My eldest daughter, Julia is a customer service agent for a cell phone company. While Julia receives calls from customers who are complaining and unhappy about a lot of things, Janine, who works at a dairy bar, gets all the happy people! I don’t need to tell you how unreasonable and sometimes outrageous peoples’ demands can be and Julia faces no small number of those on a daily basis. On one of her venting days and sharing how tough it can be, I wrote a prayer that I encouraged Julia to pray everyday before she started her shift. Here’s the prayer.


Lord, today will be another day very similar to every other day. Many people who call will complain about products or service. They will place expectations on me that I cannot always meet. They will say things that hurt and annoy me.

Some of them will be selfish and overbearing in their demands, and I will feel attacked.

Satan will use these pressures to try to bring me down and destroy my faith.

Help me focus on the good things about the opportunities this day will bring.

Help me to realise:

Most of the people I talk with today I’m "meeting" for the first time. They are like me…people with pressures and problems, trying to get through their day. Some of them have broken lives, screaming bosses, live lonely lives and just need to talk. The anxiety on the other end of the line may have more to do with their pain than their technology.

Help me to be salt and light where their lives are bland.

Give me your heart to listen and really care.

Use me to brighten their day instead of adding to their troubles. Carry me above my circumstances to a higher plane of relationship with you that is bigger than the pressure I face.

When I feel overwhelmed with the pressure of people coming against me, guide me to "turn my eyes toward you." (2 Chronicles 20:12) AMEN