In an interview with Newsweek on 14 Aug 2006, Billy Graham, then aged 88, was asked what would he do if he could live his life over again. The article writes:

If he had his life to live over again, Graham says he would spend more time immersed in Scripture and theology. He never went to seminary, and his lack of a graduate education is something that still gives him a twinge. "The greatest regret that I have is that I didn’t study more and read more," he says. "I regret it, because now I feel at times I am empty of what I would like to have been. I have friends that have memorized great portions of the Bible. They can quote (so much), and that would mean a lot to me now."

Now here was a man, a faithful servant of the Lord that has committed over 50 years to reaching the lost for Christ, over 50 years of Christian ministry and preaching God’s word, yet still wishing that he could have studied and read the Bible even more.

Source: From a sermon by Timothy Pang, "Keeping the faith" 7/5/2009