Anger is its own worst enemy. Some people criticize the Bible and reject it as a bunch of dos and don’ts. The Bible is a common sense book that is given for our good. Anger is one such example. It causes high blood pressure, sleeplessness, stomach problems, and headaches.

Years ago I picked up a cartoon that illustrates this principle. In this cartoon Beetle Bailey steals Sarge’s candy bar. Sarge says: "I want to talk to you, Beetle." (As he talks, he kicks him in the seat of the pants.)

Beetle says: "About what?"

Sarge says: "You saw me buy a candy bar at the PX, didn’t you?" (while continuing to kick him in the seat of his pants)

Beetle says: "Yes."

Sarge says: "Okay, where did you put it?" (while continuing to kick)

Beetle says: "In my back pants pocket."

If God wants you to control your anger it is because He has your best interest at heart. If God wants you to control your lust it is because He has your best interest at heart.

(From a sermon from Leland Patrick, "The Finer Points Of Love" 2/16/2009)