A Canadian pastor, in a period of great turmoil, received the faithful help of God he needed from reading about the following true incident.

In his town the local parks commission had been ordered to remove the trees from a street they were going to widen. As they were about to begin, the foreman and his men noticed a robin’s nest in one of the trees and the mother robin sitting on the nest. The foreman ordered the men to leave the tree until later.

Returning, they found the nest occupied by little wide-mouthed robins. Again they left the tree. When they returned at a later date they found the nest empty. The family had grown and flown away. But something at the bottom of the nest caught the eye of one of the workmen—-a soiled, little white card. When he had separated it from the mud and sticks, he found that it was a small Sunday school card and on it the words, "We trust in the Lord our God."

The God who knows the number of hairs on your head, the God who knows when a sparrow’s life ends, the God who knows every mistake we will ever make and any danger we will face, is the faithful God on whom you can trust. And in these days of uncertainty and financial turmoil this is something you can take to the bank.

(From a sermon by Anthony Perry, "Be Exalted" 1/25/2009)