I’m reminded of the poem by Clay Harrison entitled "Miracles:"

"Miracles can be large or small

according to God’s Plan.

And they need no explanation

for the unbelieving man.

The heavens declare His Glory;

the harvest proclaims His Love.

With the faith of a mustard seed

we’ve seen His Star above.

The rose gives way to winter

and lies beneath the snow

To resurrect in Springtime

when all the rivers flow.

The spider spins a mighty web

perfect in every way,

And the colors of a rainbow

can chase the gloom away.

The birds fly south each winter

with faith beneath their wings,

And the lullaby of Summer

is sweet when the robin sings.

Some say there are no miracles;

some say there is no God,

But, as for me, I do believe

with every bursting pod!"

(From a sermon by George Dillahunty, "Do You Believe In Miracles?" 1/13/2009)