Doug Roberts, a contributor to Glamour magazine, once wrote:
"One of the things I love about [porn] is that it’s sex with anybody I want: Halle Berry, the weather woman, the blond who brushed against me on the subway...I can summon any one or two of these ladies for a romp under the covers, or on the kitchen table...why not be adventurous? It’s not as if she’ll balk at the idea...Ah the freedom of solo sex. When you don’t have somebody else’s wants and needs to consider, you can have whatever experience you’d like."
It sounds like a logical argument, right? Why not consider porn a legitimate way to satisfy your sexual urges?
But there is a huge gap in Robert’s argument. Let me read that last sentence again: He writes, "When you don’t have somebody else’s wants and needs to consider, you can have whatever experience you’d like." No, you can’t have whatever experience you’d like--if the experience you’d like to have is love? Or acceptance? Halle Berry doesn’t even know you. She couldn’t care less about you. Do we really think lusting after her image on a computer screen will meet that soul craving for genuine love?