Amazing Grace

In every country, on every day, there is man trying to work his way into favor with God.

Many years ago the Grand Rapids Press covered this story… "Conversation to Hindu Faith Is Tortuous." "A West German businessman has completed his conversion to the Hindu faith by piercing himself through the cheeks with a 1/4-inch thick, 4-foot-long steel rod, and pulling a chariot for 2 miles by ropes attached to his back and chest by steel hooks. Still others walk through 20-foot-long pits of fire, don shoes with soles made of nails, or hang in the air spread-eagle from hooks embedded in their backs."

So often the choice of man to reach out and to reach up to God. "I can do it if I try really hard!" BUT They won’t get a person where he wants to go. They won’t get our friend there through the Hindu faith. It’s sort of like driving to a destination with the wrong map. You can go through all the motions and have all the right motives, but you won’t end up where you wanted to go!

From a sermon by Ed Taylor, “Amazing Grace” 8/1/2008