Work of Love
Aleida Huissen, 78, of Rotterdam, Netherlands, has been smoking for 50 years. And for 50 years she has been trying to give up her harmful habit. But she has not been successful—that is, until recently.
She has now given up cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! The secret? Leo Jansen, 79, proposed marriage last year, but refused to go through with the wedding until Aleida gave up smoking. Says Aleida now: “Will power never was enough to get me off the tobacco habit. Love did it.”
LOVE DID IT. Love moves people to action. Love motivates. Love works. Love labors hard.
Isn’t this why mothers with children at home continue to wash clothes, cook meals, and clean houses? They do it out of love for their family, their children. And hopefully, isn’t this why dad goes to work every day to provide for his family? THESE VARIOUS JOBS ARE DONE OUT OF AND FROM A HEART OF LOVE.
And the same holds true or should hold true when it comes to serving the Lord.
From a sermon by Steve Shepherd, "I Thank God For You" 8/1/2008