A Thanks Offering For Working in Your Life
Philippians 1:6 says, "...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
The greatest news of redemption for Christians personally is that they do not need stay the same. The Lord just receives them as they are. He takes the repentant and changes their heart. All they need to do is invite Him in and say, "Lord make my heart and life into moldable clay. Make something useful out of me for your glory, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ." He supernaturally takes that hard heart of stone that is unable to give attention to the Lord and He gives back a heart of flesh that longs to hear from God and also pleases Jesus Christ.
Christians can praise, trust and obey the Lord, knowing that He is their enabler. To enable someone is to give means, authority or power to do what you have directed them to accomplish. He not only supplies us with all that we need according to His sufficient grace, but He effects the changes in and through us for His greatest pleasure. They praise Him because He calls the plays of life and He is never wrong.
Roger Staubach shared how difficult it was for him to let coach Landry call every play. Coach Landry told Roger when to run, hand off the ball or pass it. Roger knew coach Landry had a brilliant mind when it came to football strategy yet pride said that he should be able to call the plays. Roger later wrote, "I faced up to the issue of obedience. Once I learned the joy of