I think Jesus still performs personal miracles for His followers so we can learn to put trust Him. These kinds of miracles don’t make the headlines. They may not mean much to anyone else. These are the little things that show us God cares about even the little details of our live … and that He can and will answer our prayers.

Susan and I both came to know Jesus at a very young age. So we were trying to remember a first time when Jesus did some small miracle for us that helped us trust Him. Susan remembered a time when she was a little girl and her family was traveling with their dachshund and 5 newborn puppies. The airconditioner went out and she was worried because the puppies were panting so she prayed. She was amazed that right then the airconditioner started working again so that all was well for the puppies.

That made me remember a similar experience I had as a boy. It made an impression on me … but it wasn’t quite as cute as Susan’s story. While in highschool, someone gave me a rat and a cage. It might not have seemed like much of a pet, but it was my pet, and I cared about it. One day it looked like it was about to die. I did what I could for it, and when I got to school I decided to pray for it to get well. When I arrived home, it had perked up and looked healthy again. God had answered my prayer ... for a Rat! My faith in the power of prayer was strengthened that day.

Don’t underestimate the power of small miracles to build big faith. The Miracles in and of themselves are not the point. God isn’t trying to impress us. He reaches down into the details of our lives to reveal his glory … His personality and His personal care for us is seen even in the small events of our lives.