One Word

I sat down one day and began to think about what word I would choose if I could only choose one word to describe myself; one word which would describe me better than any other word.

Many words immediately began to pour into my mind. I could think of so many aspects of my life that I could highlight.

Thinker, I thought. I love to sit and think just for the sake of thinking; to ponder just for the sake of pondering. After all, it was pondering that led me to this exercise in the first place. But as I thought further, I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Emotional, perhaps. I am a very emotional person. At times it is as though the moon controls my emotions as it controls the ocean’s tide: high, low, high low. Only, the tide’s changing from high to low is more predictable. Yes, I am certainly emotional. But once again, I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Lover. I love many things: people, nature, having fun. Yes, I do love many things. However, I do not always love. Sometimes, I even hate. I don’t intend to hate, but still, sometimes I do. So again, I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Artist. I enjoy art. I enjoy writing, drawing, and singing. I am not good, but I am not bad either. Art sometimes acts as a way of escape for me. Yet, I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Passionate. I am very passionate. I am passionate about sports, hobbies, God, and many other things. My voice reflects my passion. But even my passion fails me. So I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Then I thought, “Why have all the words so far been positive?” I am not always positive. I am sometimes negative. Maybe a negative word would describe me best.

Cynical. What can be more negative that being negative? For sometimes-negative me, this seemed like a good solution. Sometimes I only see the negative side of a situation. Yes, cynical could be it. But I realized that I should not choose a word that describes me sometimes. Sometimes I am negative. But sometimes I am positive too. Sometimes the cup is half empty. But sometimes it is half full. So again, I decided that though this word may describe me, it simply could not be the best solution.

Imperfect. I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from it. I make mistakes like everybody else. Yes, like everybody else, I am imperfect. But everyone is imperfect. Did I really want to


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