You are valuable to God.
I can state that without fear of exaggeration.
His Word makes it clear that He willing bought and paid for you.
As I said before, a thing is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
God was willing to give His Son and Jesus was willing to give His blood – that is what you are worth.
So What?
So don’t think of yourself as worthless.
Think of yourself as worth the blood of Jesus.
Think of yourself for what you are really worth.
You are worth more than a paycheck at then end of the pay period,
You are worth more than the stuff piled in your house or garage.
You are worth more than what society says you are worth; more than your education or abilities.
You are worth the blood of the Son – if you are not, then you were a bad investment and I don’t believe God makes those.
Now What?
Since you are worth the blood of the Son to the Father, what are you worth to me? The blood of the Son
And what am I worth to you? The blood of the Son
Then how should we treat one another?
Just as we would treat Jesus himself.