ILL.- TEACHER: Who is your favorite author?
PUPIL: George Washington.
TEACHER: But George Washington never wrote any books.
PUPIL: You got it.
TEACHER: How many books have you read in your lifetime?
PUPIL: I don’t know. I’m not dead yet.
TEACHER: What does your history book tell you about the Civil War? PUPIL: It doesn’t tell me anything. I have to read the dumb thing.
ILL.- It has been said that Harry Truman was one of our most bookish Presidents. Ken McCormick of Doubleday Book Company remembers going up to see him at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel after Truman had left the White House.
He arrived early in the morning and the President wasn’t up yet, but Mrs. Truman said, “Go right into his bedroom—he’d love to see you, Ken.”
So Ken walked in, and there was the President, the former President, sitting in a big chair with two stacks of new books on either side of his chair.
Ken said, “Mr. President, as a publisher, I’m so pleased to see that you’re buying all those books. I suppose you read yourself to sleep at night.” He said, “No, young man, I read myself awake.” That’s what books do for some people. Some put you to sleep and some may wake you; if they’re really good
ILL.- Asked if he had known Mark Twain, the white-bearded proprietor of a roadside stand in Hannibal, Missouri, where the great humorist had spent his boyhood days, replied promptly and indignantly: “Sure I knew him. And I know just as many stories as he did, too. Only difference is, he wrot’em down.”
We all know plenty of stories. All of us are a veritable gold mine of stories and even wisdom for life but few of us write a book.