Illustration from Tai Ping Rebellion in China

We don’t learn much world history anymore in school. Back in the 1860s, a man arose in China who claimed to be a Messiah. [11] His name was Hong Xiuquan. Hong was this disturbed young salesman who read a bunch of heretical Christian literature, probably Mormon literature, and came to believe that he was the Messiah. And Hong had an associate who claimed to be the Holy Spirit. They gathered a huge following, raised an army, and took over half of China for about ten years. It turned into a long and bloody civil war called the Tai Ping Rebellion that was the costliest war in human history. 60 million people died. [12] Hong went insane and died and his kingdom fell. But he wasn’t the Messiah, or the Antimessiah. He turned many men’s hearts against Christianity in his day, but he wasn’t the Antichrist. And history is filled with men like that, men who claimed to be God, or Christ, or the Messiah. The world has seen its share of little Antichrists. [12] From the book, ‘God’s Chinese Son’, death estimates very between 20 and 200 million