The one word that epitomizes Christian motherhood is “love.” Her every action is prompted by love for her children. Someone once wrote: “Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the cruel hand of the world cannot erase.” It has been estimated that by the time a child reaches age eighteen, a mother has expended some 18,000 hours of child-generated work, and this is considered a conservative estimate. If a mother says she is tired, she has good reason to be.
The second grade teacher in elementary school was teaching some very simple principles of physics. One the several things she taught about was a magnet. She explained the basic principle of magnetic attraction and demonstrated it using a magnet to pick some small metal objects. On Friday, she gave the class a test on some lessons taught that week. One of the questions read: “My name has six letters and starts with M and I pick up things. What am I?” She was somewhat surprised when she graded the papers that more than one-half of the class answered: “MOTHER”