The story begins in the late 1980s when Thomas Muthee and his wife returned from Scotland to Nairobi, Kenya. He was serving as an itinerant evangelist and his wife as a school teacher. In 1988, the Lord spoke to him in a time of prayer and said, "I want you to plant a church in Kiambu."
Numerous evangelical preachers had tried to start churches there and left defeated though churches thrived in other parts of Kenya. If the Muthees were to succeed in starting a church in Kiambu, they needed a divinely-given direction.
God revealed through a vision that a spirit of witchcraft was the ruling principality there and that a number of other demonic spirits were functioning under the headship of witchcraft. . Since God had shown them that witchcraft was the ruling principality over the city, they spent the remainder of their six months in prayer and fasting attacking this stronghold.
The Muthees called their second phase of intercession simply sending in the ground troops, and they were it. The two of them moved their residency 10 miles away into Kiambu and set to work on starting a church.
God gave them tremendous favor, and they were the first evangelical ministers allowed to hold meetings at the municipal hall. Eight people came to Christ the first night.
The third phase of intercession for the Muthees was rallying an army of prayer warriors. . They soon found out that the principality of witchcraft had its chief human counterpart in a woman named Mamma Jane, a sorceress who practiced witchcraft and fortune-telling in a facility she called Emmanuel Clinic. Thomas Muthee knew that the 24 hour prayer vigil was not cutting it and something more was needed. He reached a point of desperation and tears and feared he would be the next statistic of pastors who gave up on Kiambu. Then, the Lord revealed to him the fourth phase of intercession that was needed. The Lord said, "My son, I want you to get the intercessors on the job." While the results of this strategy were initially positive, the designated intercessors came under strong attack on their assigned days. They might become sick, weakened, or distracted on their day of duty.
When Muthee asked the Lord how to deal with the attack on the intercessors, the Lord directed him to the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer to show the wisdom of going to war with an armor bearer at one’s side. Each intercessor needed armor bearers on the day they were assigned to fast and pray. The Prayer Cave itself has 4,000 active members which constitutes 5% of Kiambu’s population of 80,000.
I confess I have not reached this level of clear communication with the Holy Spirit, but I know it is possible. I know I can reach a GSP level of direct contact with the Holy spirit, to the point he directs my life and corrects me when I am wrong. You too can reach this level. How?
By listening for His voice, by reading God’s word, and by having two way prayer. Is your prayer time a monologue or a dialogue. Do you hear as well as speak?