Real Magic

for Harry Potter Fans!

If you’re a true Harry Potter fan, then you know that the reason Harry is invincible against evil Voldemort’s power is because Harry’s mother died for him when he was very young. She loved Harry so much that she threw herself in front of Voldemort’s curse and took it upon herself. From that time on, Harry could not be harmed by Voldemort. As Harry’s Headmaster Dumbledore explained to him, no evil was greater than Harry’s mother’s love for him. She loved Harry so much that she died for him. And so, her love both protects Harry from evil and motivates him to do right.

What a great story! There’s something about it that rings true to our hearts’ desire to be loved in that same way. Wouldn’t you agree?

Of course, the Harry Potter story is just make believe. But the good news is that Somebody really does love you just as much as Harry’s mother loved him. That Somebody is God!

You see the Bible teaches that there really is an evil enemy that wants to destroy you. The devil, like evil Voldemort, would like to see you cursed forever.

But God, just like Harry’s mother, was willing to take the curse in the place of those He loves (Galatians 3:13). Why?

The Bible tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus), so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus is like Harry’s mother and takes


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