In his book "One Lord, One Faith," author Rex Koivisto warns:

We cannot read into the [biblical] text some meaning if it

conflicts with the writer’s intended meaning.

[For example,] in the early 1960’s the folk group Peter,

Paul, and Mary sang a song about a young boy’s imaginary

world, which sadly falls aside as he grows into manhood.

When I first heard that song in junior high, my friends

told me it had a hidden meaning about marijuana. The "magic

dragon" was supposed to be the marijuana, which, of course,

you "puff" on. We bought into this secret meaning because

it was not unlike contemporary musicians to hide

counter–cultural messages in their songs. That, to us, was

what the song meant.

But is that really what the song meant?

Peter, Paul, and Mary had a 30–year reunion tour. Late in

the program, Peter Yarrow was about to lead the audience in

singing "Puff," which had since become a


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