LONDON, Nov 9 (Reuters Life) - Looking for safe excitement? November is fig month at the Dull Men’s Club, a place in cyberspace for men who feel "born to be mild" and enjoy watching grass grow and photographing garden sheds.

"Figs are good for you. High fiber and high nutritional value ... fat-free, sodium-free, cholesterol-free ... not to mention the great taste. And they are portable," enthuses the Dull Men’s Club Web site.

…an analysis of baggage carousels at 376 airports globally discovers that 44.8 percent rotate counterclockwise, 29 percent clockwise. The site also reveals the reason for that orientation.

"Many people - corporate executives and celebrities I’ve heard about - enjoy doing the dull things," the site’s author Lee Carlson… told Reuters.

"It’s an ordinary subject taken to extremes. Here’s one: take a bucket, fill it with water, put in some wood, and watch it warp."

For the Dull Men’s Club, watching water freeze is stimulus enough, as is discovering the history of soap.

One of the more adventurous pastimes for members is "Binge Flossing" - partly because it is "an inexpensive thing to do on a date."

Visiting museums is a favorite dull men’s activity, and the site contains references to a plethora of resources, from safety razors through aprons to water hydrants, via a comb museum in China and Jerusalem’s Tax Museum.

"One of the museum’s purposes was to be a place to learn about the routine work of the tax department. Wow ... it doesn’t get much better than that," enthuses the site.