"Where did the Grandma of yesterday go? The Grandma that took all the kids to the show; who stopped by to chat & before we could ask it; had tackled the laundry that spilled from the basket.
Who offered to mend and made the girls dresses; and who pitched in to help when the toddler made messes;
Who came on the run when the kids needed sitting; and brought along story books, cookies & knitting.
The millennium Grandma knows how to run a computer;
she watches the market and buys stocks that suit her.
She dons a pink smock for the hospital lobby;
and has taken up sky diving - just for a hobby.
She’s gone back to College to get a degree;
and zips around town in her bright yellow Z.
Grandma’s still here and there’s no one to match her;But call before 8 or you simply won’t catch her."