Wal-Mart Facts Business Week reported this interesting data on Wal-Mart:

· 82% of American households made at least one purchase at Wal-Mart last year.

· 138 million shoppers visit Wal-Mart every week.

· It commands about 30% of total U.S. market share for toothpaste, shampoo, and paper towels.

· It accounts for 15%-20% of all ales of CDs videos and DVDs, plus 15% of single copy magazine sales in the U.S.

· If it maintains its 15% growth rate, revenues will double to over $600 billion by ‘011.

· 44% of Wal-Mart employees leave each year.

· It is the nations largest grocer and 2nd largest pharmacy

· Private label brands account for nearly 20% of its sales.

· They will be requiring all its vendors to have RFID tags at carton level for all merchandise by ‘05. (Business Week 10/6/03)
