The Next Mission Field: One billion people are on the Internet and one million new people get connected every day! 270 million people (27%) surf the Internet in English. About 84% of these surfers use search engines, and about 98% of these searches occur on Google, Yahoo, MSN or AOL. Remarkably, the second most popular topic in the search engines is “spiritual and religious” information. “datamines” the search engines and the questions people are asking on the Web. They then write compelling web pages that answer those questions. By using cutting-edge techniques to place their content on the first few pages of the most popular search engines, they are there with the truth at the top! Since the ministry’s launch in February ’02 their network of web pages have generated over 50 million hits! Those hits resulted in over 2 million unique individuals receiving a Christian worldview answer to their search engine query! Over 218,000 stayed engaged long enough to receive the full Gospel! Of those, 5,353 made a first-time commitment to Jesus and 2,411 rededicated. (All 2/7/05)