America’s 25 Most Influential Evangelicals according to Time magazine are: Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, and pastor of the 22,000-member Saddleback church. Howard & Roberta Ahmanson, financiers, founders of Fieldstead & Co., a private philanthropic organization. David Barton, author, constitutional scholar, founder of advocacy organization, WallBuilders. Doug Coe, head of Campus Crusade’s Fellowship Foundation, instrumental in the National Prayer Breakfast, disciple-maker among U.S. senators and congressmen. Chuck Colson, author, broadcaster, founder of Prison Fellowship. Luis Cortes, Philadelphia Hispanic Baptist pastor and founder of Nueva Esperanza that builds houses for the poor, offers loans to Hispanic businesses and aids-awareness programs. James Dobson, author, broadcaster, family advocate, founder of Focus on the Family. Stuart Epperson, co-founder of Salem Communications, owner of 104 radio stations in 24 of the top 25 U.S. markets reaching 5 million listeners a week. Michael Gerson, former journalist, now White House speechwriter for President Bush. Billy & Franklin Graham, Father, author, evangelist, founder of BGEA and Son, evangelist and founder of Samaritans Purse. Ted Haggard, president of the NAE, founding pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Bill Hybels, author and founder of the Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, IL. T.D. Jakes, author and pastor of Potter’s House, a Dallas area mega-church. Diane Knippers, president of the conservative Institute on Religion and Democracy. Tim & Beverly LaHaye, Him, author and Her, founder of Concerned Women for America. Richard Land, Southern Baptist Convention’s main lobbyist in Washington. Brian McLaren, author, a Maryland pastor, elder statesman of the “emerging church” movement. Joyce Meyer, author, broadcaster, founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Richard John Neuhaus, Conservative Catholic priest and founder of the religion-and-policy journal First Things. Mark Noll, evangelical intellectual, author, co-founder of the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College. J.I. Packer, author, executive editor of Christianity Today. Rick Santorum, U.S. Senator (PA), vocal social conservative. Jay Sekulow, Messianic Jew, author, broadcaster and founder of American Center for Law & Justice. Stephen Strang, journalist, publisher of Charisma, founder of Strang Communications. Ralph Winter, Christian social engineer, founder of U.S. Center for World Mission. (Time 1/10/05)\