Christian Divorce: A new Barna Group study shows that the likelihood of married adults divorcing is identical among born again Christians and those not born again. Among all adults 18 and older, 73% have been married and 51% are currently married. Among those who have been married 35% have also been divorced, 18% multiple times. Among people in their mid-fifties or older, the median age of their first divorce was 34. Among Baby Boomers, it is currently. 46% all married Boomers have already undergone a marital split vs. 33% of the married adults from the preceding two generations. Baby Busters have hit the 27% mark and will reach similar heights. Among married born again Christians, 35% have experienced a divorce identical to that of non-born agains. 80% of born again adults, have been married, compared to just 69% among the non-born again segment. Catholics are less likely than Protestants to get divorced (25% versus 39%). 44% of Pentecostals have divorced vs. just 28% of Presbyterians. (Barna Online 9/8/04)