Mompreneurs: Today, upwards of 430,000 people in the U.S. alone (more than are employed worldwide by GE and Procter & Gamble combined) earn a full or part-time living on eBay selling everything from fashion to farm equipment, with the highest-sellers grossing up to $1 million a month. Of the estimated 48% of these sellers who are women, many are “mompreneurs,” corporate stopouts who have found a way to tap into an international market place from their kitchen tables and finesse a saner work-life balance at the same time. It’s no coincidence that the rise of the eBay mompreneurs comes as more highly educated women are choosing to stay at home with young children. The percentage of working women with children under the age of one dropped from a record 59% in ‘98 to 55% in ‘02, after rising steadily for 30 years. (BW Online 6/7/04)