What Adults Believe Some of the key findings tracked by The Barna Group for the last two decades:
87% claim their religious faith is very important in their life today. 75% strongly affirm this idea.
77% are with the Christian faith, 12% are atheist or agnostic, while 11% are with some other faith group.
69% believe that God is the “all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the universe who still rules that world today.”
60% believe the Bible is “totally accurate in all of its teachings.” Just 44% strongly agree with this notion.
60% contend Satan does not exist but is merely a “symbol of evil.” Only 24% strongly reject this idea.
55% say a good person can earn a place in Heaven, 28% strongly disagrees with this concept.
52% agree they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others. 35% firmly believe this.
Only 50% of Christians rate themselves as being “absolutely committed” to the Christian faith.
44% believe Jesus committed sins while on earth, 48% disagree while 39% strongly oppose this. (Barna Research 3/19/04)