Changing Ethnicity: Using Census data, Barna Research describes the likely contours of America’s faith in 2050. The Census Bureau expects the U.S. population to go from the current 293 million to 420 million in ‘50. It projects whites will drop from 69.4% to 50.1%; blacks will go from 12.7% to 14.6%; Hispanics from 13% to 24.4%; and Asians from 3.8% to 8%. Barna then estimates the proportion of the born again population each ethnic group will comprise in ’50. Hispanics will double from 10% today to 19.9% in ‘50. Asians will also double their born again constituency, going from 1.3% to 2.7%. Blacks will go from the current 15.2% to about 18.6%. Whites are expected to plummet from 72.9% to just 55.6% in ‘50. (Barna Research 3/19/04)