A Look Into The Future: Barna Research Group has labeled the newest generation of teens Mosaics and predicts they will baffle their elders by exhibiting comfort with contradictions related to spirituality, family, career development, morality, and politics. This generation will also energetically pursue spiritual insights, although they are less likely than the previous generation to feel constrained by traditional theological parameters. Mosaics will continue the Buster tradition of prioritizing personal relationships, although they will not place as high a premium on those relationships. Barna Research studies found that one element common to almost all teens, whether they fall within the tail end of the Buster generation or the front end of the Mosaics, is both curiosity and concern regarding their future. 9 out of 10 think about their future every week. However, only 3 out of 10 feel they are very well prepared for that future. (Barna Research Online 10/8/01)
