Homeschool Numbers Approximately 850,000 children received their education at home in ‘99, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics. However, the National Home Education Research Institute estimates between 1.3 million to 1.7 million children were homeschooled during the period. An institute study found the number of parents who teach their children at home has been growing 7%-15% annually. The federal department’s Home Schooling in the United States: 1999 reports that about 1.7% of children ages 5-7 were homeschooled. The study found that home-schoolers are more likely than other students to live with two or more siblings in a two-parent family, with only one parent working outside the home. Parents of homeschoolers are, on average, better educated than other parents, though income is about the same. The most widely reported reasons parents homeschool were that they could give their child a better education at home, religious reasons, or a poor learning environment at school. Pat Marcum, Appalachian Distributors’ homeschool expert said the federal study likely only surveyed homeschooling families who actually register with local public schools. Most homeschoolers, particularly those who do so out of religious convictions often don’t register with local school districts. (CBA E-news 8/6/01)