Keith Drury, religious trend watcher and professor at Indiana Wesleyan University, makes 25 predictions regarding the changing landscape of Christianity and the Church in the U.S. in the Sep/Oct ’98 issue of Christian Management Report. Here are few directly pertaining to the religious market:
· "The religious publishing industry as we know it today, will pass into history."
· The Christian contemporary music industry will be absorbed by the main-line music industry.
· "Books on doctrine and theology will dominate the marketplace as evangelicals seek to rediscover what they stand for..."
· "There will be a resurgence of interest in devotional classics and early church fathers."
· "Adult Sunday school will continue to trivialize itself into gradual decline."
· "Denominational centers will continue to down-size as parachurch organizations, larger churches and secular entities increasingly perform the services traditionally provided by denominations." (Christian Management Report 9-10/98)