I like to watch the History Channel. We call it the “All Hitler All the Time” channel because they have so many shows about Hitler. It’s interesting that back in the 1950’s many Christians wondered if Hitler was the Antichrist. Others thought maybe it was Stalin.

In the 1970’s I remember people saying the leader of the Soviet Union was the Antichrist. Gorbechov was supposed to come out to 666 somehow by giving numerical value to each of the letters. (If I recall right --- another group figured out that Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger’s name equaled 666 somehow…)

It got really scary in the 80’s when my In-Laws got new License Plates … and the number was 666. That Ford Pinto gave them so much trouble they thought it might very well be the Antichrist.

Some day --- according to Scripture --- the real Antichrist will be revealed. II Thessalonians chapter 2 gives us some facts about this “lawless one.” He will exalt himself and proclaim himself to be God. He will do all kinds of evil and even perform all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.