Several years ago, my wife was going to take our son, Ben, to the park. As with most children, Ben simply loved the park. But in order to get to the park, they would have to drive and Ben would need to be placed in his car seat. Ben was a stubborn two year old who was going through a phase in which he absolutely hated getting into his car seat. He would scream and kick and buck and rock. He would do whtever he could do to not be in the car seat. And with each kick and scream, my wife tried to make Ben understand that in order to experience the joys of the park, Ben would first have to go through the restraint of the car seat.

Many times our Christian lives are like that. There is an indescribable joy awaiting us, but first God has certain things that he wants us to go through first. Often times the lowest periods of our lives lead to the sweetest and richest sense of the presence of the Lord. Sometimes the death of a loved one brings us to a deeper hope in the return of Christ.

Maybe you are in a car seat now, and you are kicking and screaming. Ask yourself where the Lord may be taking you.