"How’s Your Faith?" by Victor Knowles--
Paul was concerned about their faith. Five times in ten verses he mentions their faith. How is yours? Notice the different degrees of faith.
Which is yours?
I. Dead Faith (James 2:17,20,26),
II. Little Faith (Matthew 6:30),
III. Weak Faith (Rom. 4:19),
IV. Increasing Faith (Luke 17:5),
V. Obedient Faith (Heb. 11:8),
VI. Working Faith (Gal. 5:6),
VII. Growing Faith (2 Thess. 1:3),
VIII. Strong Faith (Rom 4:20),
IX. Great Faith (Matthew 8:5-10),
X. Mustard Seed Faith (Matthew 17:20),
XI. Perfect (Complete or Acomplishing Its Destined