In South America, I think Peru, an evangelist was holding a crusade which lasts a couple days and on the day before the last day of the crusade he said to the audience that he wants each person under the sound of his voice to ask somebody to come to the crusade tomorrow. So this little girl who was 12 was so excited to do this. She thought to herself, the first person that sits next to me when I get on the bus to go home I will ask. She got on the bus and it started to fill up, but nobody sat next to her. When she got home she was so upset because she knew time was running out. So she thought real hard and decided to call the first person she sees when she opened the phone book. She gets the phone book and opens it and calls the first person she points to. She dials the number and the phone rings and rings, and somebody picked up. The little girl froze, she didn’t know what to say, the man on the other line kept saying hello with a negative ring to his voice, so all she could do was to start singing a hymn. She sang the first part of Amazing Grace and then she started to talk to the man. She said her speech about the crusade. The man then started