The following story speaks about the kind of soil the Word of God might find. Which woman would you be?

Two women were hired by a man to make custom-tailored dresses for his clothing store. They were told that not only would they be paid a flat hourly wage for their work, but they would also receive a bonus for each dress they completed which was sold. Each week they were given equal amounts of materials to use.

The first woman was not a very careful seamstress and made numerous mistakes which she had to go back and correct. She also wasted a lot of time taking unnecessary breaks and daydreaming on the job. The second woman was a skilled dressmaker and a very conscientious worker. She worked hard and efficiently and quickly turned the fabric and materials supplied to her into beautiful finished products. She would use up her weekly allotment of material before the week was up, while the other woman never used up the material assigned to her.

It soon became apparent to the man who hired them what he needed to do. He began cutting back on the material given to the first woman and started giving it to the second. The first woman didn’t think


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