Christian humorist and Minister Dennis Swanberg says one of his favorite stories happened to him on Easter Sunday in Saginaw, Texas, several years ago. The church was packed for Easter services. The high school basketball coach was in the middle of giving his testimony when water started dripping through the ceiling onto the choir. The air conditioning units were in the attic and the condensation pans were overflowing, causing water to drip down through the ceiling. Two men got up and went out the side door. Swanberg says, “They could have just turned off the air conditioning units, but no. They got to go up there and fix that thing, try to be heroes!” Soon you could hear them walking across the ceiling joists in the attic. Swanberg said, “And then it happened. Whoosh!” One of them came through the ceiling. He grabbed the joists and held on for dear life. The crowd gasped. The man’s mother recognized her son’s chubby legs and hollered out his name.
Swanberg looked at the coach, whose microphone was still on. Swanberg recalls. “I prayed, ‘Lord, don’t let him say something he’d say on the basketball court!’ After all, we are all human.”
The coach looked at Swanberg and said, “Brother Dennis, are we having a healing service? Someone is coming through the roof to get in?” The crowd roared with laughter.
The man’s friend helped him back up onto the joists and everything turned out fine. The service