Successful Author and Christian psychologist, Larry Crabb, begins his book Connecting with the story of his eldest son. Larry had two sons, and being a theologian, psychologist, and loving father, he wanted to do all that was right for his sons. So he gave his sons hugs, and spankings, detailed lessons about God, and father and son camping trips, indeed everything that that all his learning had taught him children need Larry did. If ever there was a model parent Larry was it. So it came as a great shock to him when at a conference in which he was the keynote speaker, word came to him that his eldest son had been expelled from college. At a total loss to know what else he could have done or how to make things better, Larry drove to collect his son from college and bring him home. On the way he asked God to do what he could not – find a way to help his son. Finally he gave up


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