According to national statistics Ohio ranked 7th in population in 2000 with almost 11.4 million people. You might expect Ohio to also be one of the leaders in reported crime statistics as well. You should be glad to know that we Buckeyes came in 26th overall (even better for violent crime ranking #30). Ohio is safer than many other places to live. Simplifying the data only about 1 in 25 Ohioans or 4.04% will be the victim of a crime each year.
How about you? Have you ever personally been the victim of a crime? Have you ever been robbed? Have you gone to get into your car and found it missing? If statistics mean anything then about 2 or 3 of us here this morning could expect to be a victim of some type of crime this year. (If no one relates a personal story, share when we had our CDs stolen from our van.)
Did you know that more Ohioans are victims of crime