Nothing But Prayer and Worship

This week I chance to stop and worship God in an extended way for the first time in the last seven years. I spent four days with 75 other pastors in a Pastor’s Prayer Summit at a place called Wonderland Camp in Wisconsin. In my time I’ve been to many camps, conferences and retreats but never have I been to anything like a Prayer Summit. For four days—from Monday afternoon until Thursday noon—we met together with no agenda but worshipping God. There were no sermons, no bulletins, and no set program. We simply gathered in a large circle and waited for God to speak to us. Sometimes we sang together, sometimes we bowed in silent prayer, often we prayed together. On Tuesday the leaders put a chair in the middle of the circle and offered pastors a chance to ask for prayer for their personal needs. I personally saw pastors weeping over their sins and grown men embracing each other with words of healing and forgiveness.

It was an awesome experience for me personally. But as I look back, I realize that I was so wound up when I got there that it took me two days to relax enough to enjoy it. And about the time I starting getting in the swing of things, it was time to go home.

On our last night there, someone spontaneously prayed, “Lord, wouldn’t it be great if what happened here could happen everyday to every man when we go back home.” It would be great, wouldn’t it? Why can’t we have an experience with God every day? Whatever answer you give to that question, just remember that


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